Registered Juvenile Facilities in Texas

The Texas Juvenile Justice Department maintains the Juvenile Facility Registry as a public service based upon self-reported information contained in the individual application submitted by the facility.  The information provided by the facility is not audited by TJJD and no representation is made as to its veracity.  It is the sole responsibility of each facility administrator or any other users of this registry to independently verify the accuracy, completeness, currency and/or suitability of any of the listed facilities. TJJD does not represent, guarantee or warranty the information contained in this registry and specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing this information.  Any reference in this registry to a vendor or service is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as an endorsement.  If you have any questions relating to the registration of secure juvenile facilities, please contact TJJD here:


Type: Pre-Adjudication Detention
Legal Owner of Property: Wichita County
Operator Type: Public
Type of Corporate Organization (private only):
Operator Name: Wichita County Juvenile Board
County Name: WICHITA
Facility ID Number 2431001


Administrator: EDWARD CANNEDY
Administrator's Email:
Mailing Address: 510 LAMAR ST., WICHITA FALLS, TX, 76301
Physical Address: 510 LAMAR ST., WICHITA FALLS, TX, 76301
Facility Telephone: 940-766-8225
Facility Fax: 940-766-8183
PREA Coordinator: Not Applicable


Law Enforcement Jurisdiction: SHERIFF'S OFFICE, PO BOX 8466, WICHITA FALLS, TX, 940-766-8276
Date the facility was constructed (best estimated completion date): 10/06/1989
Date the facility became operational: 10/06/1989
Design/Rated Capacity: 32
Anticipated New Beds To Be Operated During Calendar Year 2024: 0
If you are a secure facility, are any of these beds certified as both pre- and post-adjudication? No
If yes, how many typically allocated/reserved for Pre-Adjudication youth?
If yes, how many typically allocated/reserved for Post-Adjudication youth?
Co-Located Facility: No
Average Cost per Day for Contract Placement: 250
Fire Inspection Jurisdiction: Municipal
Gender of Population Accepted: Both
Contracts with: Other Probation Department in State
ACA Accredited: No
ACA Accreditation Expiration Date :
DFPS Accredited: No
DFPS Accreditation Expiration Date :
DSHS Accredited: No
DFPS Accreditation Expiration Date :


Who provides educational services (Probation Department, School District, Charter, Other)? School District
What is the name of the educational services provider? Wichita Falls ISD
Who pays for educational services (Probation Department, School District, Charter, Other)? School District
Are certified teachers used to provide instruction to residents in the facility? Yes
If certified teachers are not used, who provides instruction?
Does a juvenile receive credit for school work completed while in placement? Yes
Does the facility provide year-round education? No
Are educational basic skills assessed upon entrance to the facility? Yes
Are educational basic skills assessed upon the exit to the facility? No
Are special educational services provided? Yes
Does the facility offer a GED program? No
Does the facility offer vocational training programs? No
Is the classroom instruction solely computer based? No
How many hours per week on average is secondary curricula offered.


How many (at a minimum) of the following types of personnel are available on-site and/or on-call at all times?
 On StaffContractual
Physician's Asst. (PA)NoYes
Licensed Vocational Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse (LVN/LPN)NoYes
Registered Nurse (RN)NoYes
Nurse Practitioner (NP)NoYes
How many (at a minimum) of the following types of personnel are available on-site and/or on-call at all times?
 On StaffContractual
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)NoNo
Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW)YesNo
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)YesNo
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)YesNo
Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP)NoNo
Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Providers (LSOTP)YesYes
Mental Health ParaprofessionalNoYes


Personal Restraint Technique Utilized: Crisis Prevention Ins.
Disciplinary Seclusion Assignments:
From 90 Minutes to 24 Hours: 44
From 24 Hours to 48 Hours: 116
48 Hours or More:
Total Number of Disciplinary Seclusion Assignments: 160


What programs are available to residents? Mental Health
What services are available to residents? Crisis Intervention
Mental Health Assessments / Evaluations
Mental Health Treatment
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Substance Abuse Assessments / Evaluations
Minimum Age 10
Maximum Age 17
Does the facility offer a therapeutic community/positive peer culture program? No
Does the facility offer an experiential or adventure-based program? No
Does the facility offer an anger management or conflict resolution program? Yes
Does the facility offer life/social skills program? Yes
Does the facility provide transition/re-entry services to the juvenile and/or family? No
Does the facility offer job placement services? No
Does the facility utilize community-based volunteer organizations? Yes
Does the facility offer an independent living skills program? No
Does the facility offer faith-based services? No
Does the facility offer a cognitive behavioral program? Yes
Are family counseling services provided? Yes