Search For Department Programs
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Program Status and Department:

Select a specific department or choose ALL to select all juvenile probation departments in the state. Selecting “All” under Program Status will return all active and in-active programs in the registry

  Program Status Region Department
Program Serves:

Applicable only to those programs serving juvenile offenders. Selecting “Male” or “Female” will return those programs which serve that specific gender

  Gender   Ages
Program Type:

A program can only have one program type. Departments select the program type that best describes the overall goals of the program

Special Eligibility Criteria:

Applicable only to those programs serving juvenile offenders. Indicates the special criteria necessary for a juvenile to be served by the program. Programs open to all offenders do not have any special eligibility criteria

Program Components:

Offense Types:

Applicable only to those programs serving juvenile offenders

Funding Sources:

Search Programs

1711 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, TX 78701 – (512) 490-7130